Stardate:2406.05.15 (Betazed - Campground -COUNS Lorenzo Salahali- 1951) Vanyssa's team got first service, and Sash motioned for her to take the lead and be the first server. The ball went over the net and Lorenzo easily returned it. With an evil grin Sash took a couple of steps, and leaped high in the air, spiking the ball down. The ball struck Ensign Tannasg in the head and bounced out. Tannasg fell to theground, stunned. Sash smiled pleasantly at Lorenzo. He turned his attention to Tannasg as Sash shrugged his shouldersto him. It was time to see what his new crewmen were made of. Lorenzo wasted no time in firing the ball straight back to Sash, catching him off guard. The ball bounced straight onto the ground by Sash's feet. Lorenzo returned Sash's sarcastic smile.  (Reply any playing ball) (Posted by Adam Watson) Stardate:2406.05.15 (Betazed - Campground - COUNS Lorenzo Salahali- 1952) Lorenzo finished looking at Sash, who was recovering from Lorenzo's shot. Onyx approached him. "Are you ok?" "Fine," Lorenzo said in return, as he breathed. He looked at Onyx. "Be careful!"She smiled to him but gave a look to Sash. "Let's get back to it then."   It was still Vanyssa's team to serve. Onyx stood ready and it was Sash serving to do it again, just has he the ball cross over fast, Onyx jumped and hit it with hard steep angle to make it hit the ground. The point counted. One to one now but Onyx remain silent. (Reply from anyone) (Posted by Adam Watson) Stardate:2406.05.15 (Betazed, Near Campground, Jennah Winters-Dark, 1955) Jennah had been playing happily with Ryuichi when something had caused her to look up in terror. It was a romulan. Walking among the people - her shipmates. Katie's instructions had been explicit after the last invasion. If she saw a romulan she was to run away and hide. So she grabbed Ryuichi and took off into the woods. A few moments later, a monster had come crashing through the trees and attacked them, to be attacked by another monster covered in fur and teeth. Jennah screamed telepathically and people came running, and then she was huddled in Mr. Nakamura's arms. He told her not to watch, as Katie's arms hugged her from behind and Vanyssa and Kestra tried to bundle them off back to the camp. "It's alright" Mr. Nakamura said as sincerely as he could to the frightened child, she didn't seem hurt, nor did Ryuichi. "It's over now." Jennah looked at him in terror. "But it isn't! They came back!!" She said, projecting the shape of the romulan that she had seen in the camp. "He's going to kill us all! He set that monster on us!" She weeped in terror. Katie took Jennah off to the side as Vanyssa went to talk with the romulan. "Jennah, honey, it's ok." Katie spoke, hugging the little girl and smoothing down her hair. "He's a new crew officer, he's not here to kill us." Katie spoke softly. Then Vanyssa was beside her again, hugging them both. ::You were very brave, Jennah.:: Vanyssa spoke softly into her daughter's mind. ::You did what Katie told you to do when you needed to, and thought of Ryuuichi first. You are a good girl.:: And with that, Vanyssa put her daughter to sleep, because the way her mind was going, she wasn't going to calm down soon. Katie looked up at Vanyssa in concern, Jennah wouldn't be the only child aboard the Nimitz to react this way to the new crewmember. "Can you take her back to my grandmother's house?" Vanyssa asked Katie, who nodded as she headed off. "Sash, can you introduce me to the young romulan? Then I'll take him off and explain what happened." Vanyssa whispered and saw Sash nod. (reply Tanasg, Sash, Nishi, anyone ?) (pb melinda :-) Stardate:2406.05.15 (Betazed - Campground - ACMO- Lt. Kestra Troi - 2215) Kestra heard what Sash wanted everyone to do, she looked back on her life, but, she was not so sure that she wanted to go through it much less tell everyone about the things that changed her life. How could she choose between the many things that had changed her life, her career, so drastically. They made her go from top to bottom and then back on the road up again only to almost destroy it once again. She thought that what Sash was doing would accomplish a kinda unity with the crew making them more tied to one another than what they had been for months. There had been many things that had happened to pull on the closeness they barely had in the beginning. The losing of a captain that most had revered and the First Officer they had come to not only accept but understand. Now they have a new Captain to get use to the way he accomplished things and a new First Officer that they thing they know, but, have to find out how being a FO will affect her. There was one thing that the crew had been looking forward to that would give them at least some peace, Kestra was to soon leave the ship. Although some might think they would not mind her staying, there were the others to think about, they needed her to leave to settle. She had resigned herself to the fact that she would be leaving, the leaving that meant she would see her children even less than she had been. The fact that she may never see them again, as the future was never and has never been guaranteed. That is a part of a Starfleet career that she had accepted years ago. She sat there a little away from the fire and the others listening as Sash started to give his story. He told about how his family had been taken from him in an Angosian war many years ago. She could feel the sadness in him and wanted to send him comforting feelings to help him, but, she had sworn to herself that she would never use her abilities unless it was absolutely imperative. She would not fall into the complacency once again that almost made her kill once. Then he spoke of what his happiness was after his greatest sadness, the day he met his wife. He explained it in detail as if he was back at that moment once again. Even though it was his greatest happiness, there was a sadness attached to it. As Sash asked who would be next, she caught the thoughts of Onyx describing her pain in her mind. She heard the cry in Onyx's mind that told that everything that had made her happy had been taken away from her. How nothing had really given her happiness after the others had been taken from her. Kestra also felt the reference about her leaving and that Onyx was sad about her leaving. Richard then took over telling his feelings of not being able to become a full trill, not being able to join with a symbiot. He also mentioned her leaving and had been a good friend to him. He mentioned the strength that she and Onyx had displayed during the recent attempt to take over the ship. Kestra caught the negative thoughts from Onyx and turned to look at her while Richard continued to explain himself to her. Onyx then got up and explained her reasons why she had the internal strength she had to gain from spending time on a Klingon warship. Then she let some of her sadness escape as she explained a bit about her father and her adopted father. She attempted to leave, but, Richard stepped in front of her. "I didn't know all that, I'm sorry.... just know this that you have a friend you can talk to." He put his hands on her shoulder to make her look at him, he gave her a little smile. "I think that I will not be the only one who will try to make you happy now. You are a catch." Kestra watched as Onyx just laughed, Kestra thought it was because she did not want to accept what Richard was trying to tell her. "I'm a catch?! Me... who just said that I can brake arms and noses. I wonder who will agree with you Richard Orkney." "I agree with him Onyx" Kestra said silently just loud enough so everyone could hear since she was sitting away from the crowd. She really did not know if anyone really heard her as Katie started to speak. She told about her happiest moment when Vanyssa invited her to come back to a starship. Her worst was being kidnaped and almost killed which she was still having nightmares over. What was reassuring was that when she started to cry, she had someone to take her into his arms to comfort her. Kestra was happy for her as Katie had been loveless for far too long and she hoped this one would be the one she longed for. Vanyssa started talking about David and his death which Kestra could certainly feel what she was saying. She felt what Vanyssa was saying when she had found out Sky had been killed in the line of duty. She then went on to describe her happiness times but could not really decide on one instance. Vanyssa sniffled as she held up her mug to the fire. "This is to absent friends who have left us...may they rest in peace and may we have the strength to continue without them..." Nishi started talking about experiences that he would have rather not have learned, losing friend, he started on. The mere thought of losing a friend was never a good one to start on and one she never enjoyed as no one did. He mentioned his meeting with his son as a frightening experience which Kestra could not understand. She thought that maybe his experience was one of being responsible for the life that was so small and just starting. Would he be up to the task of raising one in the correct ways of life. He talked about things that everyone now and again thought of as happy. But, he continued to talk about Eloise and Ryuichi, about the times he had with them. Kestra thought about the times with Trish and her twins, along with the times she had with Sky with them. Kestra had a hard time trying to figure where she wanted to start, there were so many that she could use. "It is hard to describe the happiest times that changed ones path as there are things that change it every day." Kestra started quietly, more talking to herself than to anyone else, looking intensely into the fire forgetting anyone else was even around. "Winning a Noble Prize at a young age, having a grand ball thrown in your honor, writing ground breaking papers, having your theories adopted, taking first place in a masters level equestrian at an early age, winning a dance contest at a grand summer ball, attending diplomatic sessions and being instrumental in what happened with your dad." Kestra did not realize that tears had been running down her cheeks as she spoke, but, she continued her almost silent story. "The honor of joining Starfleet, being assigned to the USS Nimitz under Captain Aragorn, the meeting of Susan Rivers, becoming friends with them and a lot of others, the adoption of Trish on one of our missions, the joy she has given me over the years, the meeting of Sky and our marriage, the birth of our twins. How could I say that any one of these were more over the other as they all changed my life one way or the other." She paused to think a moment on the ones that had the greatest change on her life and that were the saddest ones. "The saddest ones are the ones that really change your life, I believe." She stated, "I also believe that some connect to others that change more and more as time goes on. I grew up being very close to my dad. I had been able to be with him most of my young life as he went from one diplomatic consulate to another. There had been mentioned that he and I were an unbeatable team, but, then there came a time when my studies became more important than my following him around. My father was really my entire life, more than I had ever thought until one day I received a message from my government ordering me back to the planet. There I was told that my father had been murdered and during the investigation it was found out that some of my actions as a starfleet officer had caused it. It had devastated me to find out that my actions was why my father had been killed." Tears ran stronger down her cheeks as she continued. "I resigned my commission then and then I began to wonder in circles not knowing what to do next. After sometime I came back to Starfleet as my husband was still in. Not long after returning to the Nimitz, I found out that my husband Sky had been killed in one of his SFI Missions. I found out after we came out of the subspace river that he had been dead for some time. As is the same with Vanyssa, Sky had been my Imzadi, my soulmate. When the bond we had together broke, it had such a devastating effect, like that of my father, and tying in with my father that I lost myself in the grief." At this she looked up at Oynx and Richard's faces. "If it had not been for my friends suffering through my incrimination and tirades that I survived. I put them and a lot of the ship through some dangerous times. I don't know where I would have ended up if it was not for them. It is for them and the rest of the ships crew that I leave taking with me, I hope, the memories." At that she got up and turned to leave, she knew the area like the back of her hand, to walk alone for a while. (reply anyone that wants to) (posted by Frank) Stardate:2406.05.15 (Betazed - Campground - ACONN Ensign(jg) Simbel Asoru - 2216) Simbel sat beside Katie listening to everyone speak of their saddest and happiest moments. Then Katie started talking and he listened intently to what she had to say. He wanted to know more about her and this was a very good time to hear what she had inside her. "I think my happiest moment was when Vanyssa invited me back aboard a star ship. My leaving Starfleet security ties in with all that - my worst moment was when I was kidnaped, attacked and nearly killed during that away mission. In my nightmares I can still see that mad vulcan holding the knife so close to my face as he chiseled away my skin to hear me scream." Simbel felt her as she shuddered. "And so I left the fleet, left Starfleet and did something completely different with my life. But I was bored, and it wasn't until Vanyssa brought me aboard.... and the subsequent invasions where I was of some use to my crew mates...where I didn't freeze in the middle of the battle...that proved I wasn't ruined." Simbel saw that she was crying and softly enveloped her in his strong arms hoping to give her some sort of comfort. She then turned to look up into his face, all he could do was to give her a warm smile of understanding and send her pictures of happiness and warmth. He wanted to tell her that everything was going to be ok. He waited until Kestra had finished, gotten up and was walking away before he started. Keeping his arms around Katie, "You know that it would be so much easier to do this the way we do it on my world. We would just send pure thoughts and images of what we wanted to get across. As we can not accomplish that here I will try and convey my thoughts to you." He hugged Katie before continuing, " I have always loved flying, it had always been what I wanted to do since I could remember, the day I got my first flight, at that time was my greatest joy, but, another soon came. When my father gave me the letter from my governments leader indorsing me to be the first Cairn to enter the Federations Starfleet Academy, it became my greatest honor and happiest moment. I know that I am young still and have a long time ahead of me to gather more happy moments which will probably take the place of that one." He said a he looked at Katie then continued, "after saying that, at this time my worst or saddest moment was when I had my first crash in the flying vehicle I was trying out. At the hospital the doctors had told my parents that I would not only never fly again, but, never walk again. The idea of never walking was terrible, but, the idea of never flying and finishing my dreams, was beyond what I could withstand. At that time though, I decided that I would not let what the doctors had said come to pass. I steadfastly worked out until I actually walked out of the hospital on my own two feet and the rest is history." He finished as he looked back to Katie to see her response. (reply from any) (posted by Frank) Stardate:2406.05.15 (Betazed - Campground - ACONN Ensign(jg) Simbel Asoru - 2216) Simbel sat beside Katie listening to everyone speak of their saddest and happiest moments. Then Katie started talking and he listened intently to what she had to say. He wanted to know more about her and this was a very good time to hear what she had inside her. "I think my happiest moment was when Vanyssa invited me back aboard a star ship. My leaving Starfleet security ties in with all that - my worst moment was when I was kidnaped, attacked and nearly killed during that away mission. In my nightmares I can still see that mad vulcan holding the knife so close to my face as he chiseled away my skin to hear me scream." Simbel felt her as she shuddered. "And so I left the fleet, left Starfleet and did something completely different with my life. But I was bored, and it wasn't until Vanyssa brought me aboard.... and the subsequent invasions where I was of some use to my crew mates...where I didn't freeze in the middle of the battle...that proved I wasn't ruined." Simbel saw that she was crying and softly enveloped her in his strong arms hoping to give her some sort of comfort. She then turned to look up into his face, all he could do was to give her a warm smile of understanding and send her pictures of happiness and warmth. He wanted to tell her that everything was going to be ok. He waited until Kestra had finished, gotten up and was walking away before he started. Keeping his arms around Katie, "You know that it would be so much easier to do this the way we do it on my world. We would just send pure thoughts and images of what we wanted to get across. As we can not accomplish that here I will try and convey my thoughts to you." He hugged Katie before continuing, " I have always loved flying, it had always been what I wanted to do since I could remember, the day I got my first flight, at that time was my greatest joy, but, another soon came. When my father gave me the letter from my governments leader indorsing me to be the first Cairn to enter the Federations Starfleet Academy, it became my greatest honor and happiest moment. I know that I am young still and have a long time ahead of me to gather more happy moments which will probably take the place of that one." He said a he looked at Katie then continued, "after saying that, at this time my worst or saddest moment was when I had my first crash in the flying vehicle I was trying out. At the hospital the doctors had told my parents that I would not only never fly again, but, never walk again. The idea of never walking was terrible, but, the idea of never flying and finishing my dreams, was beyond what I could withstand. At that time though, I decided that I would not let what the doctors had said come to pass. I steadfastly worked out until I actually walked out of the hospital on my own two feet and the rest is history." He finished as he looked back to Katie to see her response. (reply from any) (posted by Frank) Stardate:2406.05.15 (Betazed - Campground - CO- Captain Devan Sash- 2220) Sash had listened to his crew make their statements. He was impressed at the level of sharing that these people were willing to do. It showed that they still had a great deal of trust amongst them selves. He was glad that Orkney was so quick to join in, after his own story. That would make it eaier for the others. Then, when Onyx Kateb told her events, he got a little insight into her intensity. He was concerned when she left, and wished that he could talk with her, and keep her with the group, but he was the focual point of the group right now, and if he left, the group would stop. Besides, Orkney got up to follow her. He smiled at that team up. Then it was Katie Troi to speak up, followed by Vanyssa. he had heard her story already, but it didn't fail to make him feel for her. His feelings for his new FO were confusing enough. Then they listened to Nakamura and then Kestra Troi. When she was finished she also left the group and headed for the beach. But there were still others to share. As they spoke and laughed over the good times, Sash kept his watchful eye open. He saw Onyx head for her tent, and then Orkney go after Kestra. He raised a curious eyebrow. As he continued to monitor them he watched as Kestra and Orkney wandered further down the beach. Curiouser and curiouser. Finally, when the last person had shared, he could see that the children were falling asleep in their parents arms. He stepped into the center of their circle. "I want to thank you all for joining me here tonight. I hope that you have enjoyed yourselves, and perhaps learned about each other, and me. I just want to say, that I believe that you are all very special people, and a fantastice crew. Perhaps the best I've served with. At that, bid you all good night." The circle broke apart almost immediately. He watched as the children were ushered into tents, with half-hearted protests. Others also headed for their tents. He watched as Vanyssa wandered down to the river and walked the opposite way of Kestra and Orkney. He hadn't really had time to spend with Nessa, during the course of the evening and thought he'd have a little wander over and see how she was doing. (reply none, any) (posted by Al Muir) Stardate:2406.05.15 (Betazed - Campground - SO Ensign Richard Orkney & ACMO Kestra Troi - 2220) Richard had heard what Kestra was saying and behind cut in the middle wasn't a fun place. Onyx seem to be more stronger then she look, but pain isn't a source of strength and eventually he knew that she would need someone to confide and be friend with. He look at Captain Sash, he seem to be a bit surprised to see how much pain his crew had in them, compare to him, his was nothing at all. "I resigned my commission then and then I began to wonder in circles not knowing what to do next. After sometime I came back to Starfleet as my husband was still in. Not long after returning to the Nimitz, I found out that my husband Sky had been killed in one of his SFI Missions. I found out after we came out of the subspace river that he had been dead for some time. As is the same with Vanyssa, Sky had been my Imzadi, my soulmate. When the bond we had together broke, it had such a devastating effect, like that of my father, and tying in with my father that I lost myself in the grief." At this she looked up at Oynx and Richard's faces. "If it had not been for my friends suffering through my incrimination and tirades that I survived. I put them and a lot of the ship through some dangerous times. I don't know where I would have ended up if it was not for them. It is for them and the rest of the ships crew that I leave taking with me, I hope, the memories." At that she got up and turned to leave, she knew the area like the back of her hand, to walk alone for a while. Onyx was looking at her but felt drain and she wanted solitude. She pry herself from Richard's grip gently and walk up to her tent. She went inside and close the side. Richard was left there, looking at Kestra, but then at nothing, she had just left and he hadn't noticed. Kestra looked out at the darkness, it felt as if it was calling to her, as she walked on into it. She wanted to just be swallowed up by it, maybe it would absorb all her mistakes, her failures, if she walked far enough. The campsite, people talking, laughing, began to fade as she walked further out. She folded her arms around her to keep herself warm, from crying too loud, she could not decide which one. She extended her mind to engulf the minds of the animals that had not a care in the world other than where to get their next meal. She heard a few of the night birds singing the night onward as they began to come out. She sent all the animals she came in contact with soothing thoughts instead of her frantic feelings. She did not want them running being scared from what she was projecting. Richard had learn tracking at a young age, and he quickly found Kestra. He was a bit worried and wonder if she was happy with her choice. He walk up to her in complete silent and lean against a tree, he didn't want to disturb her too much but in good time. He didn't know how long, but then he said. “So that is where you have been hiding. Nice place.” he said in a whisper. She had been so involved in the animals around the area, she had not noticed that Richard had followed her out into the darkness. She jumped a bit when he spoke and knew that in so doing all the animals that she had touched felt it. She knew that now the animals would be far away from them as now they began to talk and the shock that she sent to them. “I just wanted to be away from those that either hate me or rather I not be there.” She said as she turned to look at him. “I don’t blame them, things just happened. The away team, they must have been really tortured to have a hard time being around me. I understand that also, as a counselor, I can see where their fears come from.” She said softly not to scare the animals that might have returned. “We all have a part of us that we can judge to be evil. True that it is hard for them to look at you after what happen to them, but they also know that it was not “You” who did those things to them. I know how much you are hurting right now... I just want to be there for you.” She could feel the caring coming from Richard and after all that she had put him through, she just could not understand. She wanted and needed him to move to another person as she had to move on to her new assignment very soon. “Richard, of all the people, you should be one that has a real reason to stay away from me. I do thank you for caring enough though to come and be with me.” She then turned and motioned with her arms to the surrounding area, “this place was one of my fathers favorite places and it became mine after we came here so many times. The animal that had wanted to attack the kids earlier was only doing what they do naturally, hunting for food. The telepaths that live here know when they are around and have a knack to avoiding them. If you plan on coming back to this place, commit it to memory and bring a telepath.” She chuckled at the last part. “I'm not scared of any forest or any animals, I'm at home here. The forest was my friend from the moment I set foot in it. Why would I stay away from you? I do a lot more then care, I think that you are a friend that needs a friend.” He smiled. “You might be at home here, but, do you have any idea what animals are in this area?” She turned to look at him then chuckled, “the one that Zzt attacked to save the children was a small one.” She paused for a moment to think about what he had just said, “Ok, so, you don’t have to stay away from me. You, for one, seem to understand things a bit better. As for needing a friend, if I was going to stay, you would be it, but, I am leaving.” Taking one of his hands, “Richard, you and Onyx, I will miss terribly.” “I will miss you too... You scared me when you went through the death of your husband. I was worried.” He squeezed gently her hand in his, bringing her a bit closer but not to much. The last thing he wanted was to make her feel uncomfortable. “What you saw, really was a mild case of the bond breaking, a lot of them go completely crazy. I actually did not, but without you, Onyx and the others, I could have.” She told him as she moved in to give him a peck on the cheek. She dropped his hand and turned to the darkness again. “It is always nice to let the darkness surround you and to engulf you. I have went out when I was here with dad, I would let my open my senses and let them be consumed by the spirits, animals, etc. It was so good to just be able to open up and not shield.” “That's how I feel in the middle of a forest... freedom, total freedom. It makes me feel happy to be surrounded like this. It feels so synthetic on the ship.” “Come” She said as she started to walk away. She continued knowing that he would follow her and even if he didn’t. After a while she came to a bend in the running water that faced the moons of her world. She found the spot that was her favorite and sat down then patted the ground letting him know where to sit. “I want to tell you something that I did not say over there to them.” She said as she watched him sit down. “My dad and I came here a lot to watch the heavens and it became my second home. I felt at home here and in the woods like it was where I was born to be. When I went on my dad’s diplomatic missions with him, the feeling never left. After a while I figured out that it was not just the area here, but, it was the closeness that he and I had.” She paused to think on the change in what she was saying, “Now when I went and joined Starfleet, he was happy, but, mom hated it. I went on to be assigned to the Nimitz and it felt as though I was here once again. I know that I was in a synthetic container, but, it felt as if I had brought this place and my father with me.” She paused to get up and kneel beside the water to scoop up a drink then return to where she sat. “When my father was murdered, it was as if my Imzadi had died and the bond broke. When Sky died it was as if it had already been broke and that was why it did not take me long to recover. It was harder when my dad died and that should not have been and I think realizing that had a degree of affect on my bond breaking.” Richard wonder where she was going but he followed and when they arrive near a stream, he sat where she was indicating. It was beautiful with the moons over there head. Then, he turn his attention to Kestra and what she was saying. “I couldn't know your lost Kestra, I never found the right woman I guess. Where I could feel one with, you are lucky to have felt this bound.” “Unless you have the ability to bond like we do Richard, all you can attain is what we have in your heart. Be glad that you will not have the mental heartache that we get with the heartache that comes from losing a loved one.” She responded then thought that maybe she was telling him he could never feel real love and continued, “I am not trying to degrade the love that you can attain as I have talked with many when I was a counselor that had that love and lost it. It can hurt so much that you want to die with them, but, normally it does not come to that or to losing your mind.” She hoped he was understanding her as she rambled a lot. “I know what you mean. My social life took a hit when I have work on the scale that I have waiting for me on the Nimitz. Didn't came out a lot this pass weeks.” He chuckled. “Has for my past, never went this far to have a long relationship, going out, meeting new people, yes but nothing that important. I wonder if the right girl is out there. I should give myself a day off once and a while and meet people.” She started laughing at what he said, “As a former, and still licensed by Starfleet, counselor, I order you to do just that. I also want you to keep in touch with me even though we are far from each other. I love getting mail from my friends.” Richard said yes with his head and added. “I will try to get Onyx to do that too. She is a hard one to discern.” “I think if I send her a message or two, she will respond to me.” She suddenly felt that she wanted to be alone to think of her dad and to talk to him. “Richard, could I ask you a really big favor?” She looked at him seriously, “I need some time to talk to my dad...... alone before I head back to the camp. I do feel better now and I thank you.” “Ok... I will leave you. You're welcome.” Richard got up. “Don't be too long now, the captain will not be happy if you do.” She got up and gave him a quick kiss, “I wont be too long, I promise.” (Reply from anyone) (Posted by Laurence & Frank) Stardate:2406.05.15 (Betazed - Campground - OPS Ensign Kateb & SO Ensign Orkney - 2230) Onyx felt a bit cold after having revealed so much. She went to her tent, once inside she closed it and wrap herself with the blanket that she had brought. Her mind was filled with images some were less dark then others. Some were pleasant also, feeling like we belong, did she felt like that among the crew of the Nimitz. It was difficult to say yes to that, she had a hard character and that was probably because of her Acamarian blood in her veins. They were a race that didn't forget, in her head, she could still hear the voice of those 2 klingons planing the death of her adoptive father. She had to pick her time for this, it was the only choice and thing to do because her hands were tied nicely. She could feel that it was her human side that was suffering, she wanted to share, she wanted love and happiness. She didn't know how long she was inside her tent, but after those reflection, she came out of it, still on her shoulders the blanket. There seem to be no one, she could hear Zzt that pick his own place, he was sleeping loudly. She smiled and sat beside the fire, there was something relaxing about it, and also provoked a warmth inside her. She heard a noise, it was Richard coming out of the forest. He saw her and decided to go see her. “I was sure that you would stay in your tent.” Richard sat in front of her. “For a moment, I considered it.” She was looking at him. “It would have been ashamed. It must be your Acamarian side that makes you the way you are. You are not alone here.” he gave her a little smile. “Don't go psychological on me.... I had enough for a dozen lifetimes. I know that I'm not alone, and it's hard for me. I work great in a group, but there are things which are highly difficult for me to share and this is one of them.” She return her gaze to the fire. “I feel that I might bring bad luck also, ever since I am on board, there have been deaths.” “Now, that is silly and you know it. We weren't the most lucky but it's bound to be better in the long run. I can tell you that I feel the same way. What do you do outside work?” That question, she didn't expect. “I usually go the holodeck, train, sometimes with the security officers, or I read a book. Why?” “I never saw you eat at Ten Forward or the Mess Hall.” “I don't know a lot of people, probably my fault, but I hate eating alone. I did go a few times, but no one came to see me, and I wasn't in a corner, I was in the middle of Ten Forward. What do you think I felt? Once one did, we had a talk but nothing else so I decided to eat in my quarters. If I was to be alone, better be somewhere that I like.” “You don't have any excuses now, tomorrow night at 1800, you have a diner companion. I need to go outside and you also.... why don't we do that together?” He wonder for a moment if it was too soon but it was too late, the words were out there. Onyx look at Richard, there was a long silence has she did so. “Alright, but I'm not putting a dress.” Richard chuckled. “It's fine by me, I can imagine. Now, I will go to bed. Good night Onyx.” She couldn't the smile on her face has he said that. “Good night Richard.” (Reply from anyone) (Posted by Laurence Durand) Stardate:2406.05.15 (Betazed - Campground - CO & FO- Captain Devan Sash & Commander Vanyssa Winters- 2245) After the volleyball game, and having a meal cooked over a camp fire (a pretty novel experience for Vanyssa) and then the subsequent rescue of the children, Vanyssa had headed away from the crowd,off to sit back down beside the water, when she felt Sash come up behind her a few minutes later. They were far enough away from the crowd and out of site, so Vanyssa laid her head on his shoulder, and he hugged her close, and things felt right. "You know that I have no right to feel jealous of you and Kestra." Vanyssa began, breaking the very comfortable silence. "But I am. Very much so. Why her? Why not Katharynne, if you want a relationship with a Betazoid?" Vanyssa asked, somehow managing to convey the hurt that she felt in her voice, even though she tried really hard not to. "What is it about her that you find so attractive?" Vanyssa asked, and then decided to keep the rest of her thoughts to herself as she awaited his answer. Sash couldn't help himself, he had to laugh. It was definaitely a novel approach at beginning a conversation. It took im b surprise so completely that he had could only laugh. He saw the hurt in Nessa's eyes and forced himself to regain his composure. "I'm, sorry Nessa," he said, "but you just caught me off guard there." He turned her to look into her eyes. "First of all, you of all people, should know that there is little control over what brings two people together. But secondly, you are making a huge assumption in thinking that Iam looking for a... romantic interlude with Kestra." He could see that she not convinced and continued. "I would be lying to say that I am not attracted to her. One of the attractions is probably that she is planning on leaving the ship before I truely get to know her. It is not a Betazoid thing." Vanyssa looked into Sash's eyes for a second, then looked down. "So what do you want from her? I saw the way that the two of you were looking at each other. Frankly I don't know what I'm supposed to think. And other people are seeing it too. I guess what they are seeing is my jealousy, but...I don't know how I can be anything but jealous." Vanyssa felt herself rambling. "The feelings that I have for you are wrong for me to have. Everyone has made that clear to me. And I don't know if I would be as jealous if it were anyone else. I mean, I would be jealous, but not as jealous." She bowed down so that her chin was resting on her hands. "So what are your plans concerning her?" She asked almost scared to hear the answer. Sash took a long deep breath. He looked up at the sky, watching the beauty of the stars twinkling in the night. He remembered looking at the stars before. 40 years slipped away and he was with another woman, talking about his intentions. That woman turned out to become his wife. But that was 40 years ago, and this is now. He realized that his pause had been a little too long. "Do you remember, back on the Newman, we used to go to astrometrics and look at the star charts. They were a thing of wonder and beauty to both of us. I've always marveled at the wonder of the stars. How is that they can be so beatiful, and yet, so full of potential danger. Perhaps that's part of their attraction." He paused a moment, and thought he was being a little to philosophical."I have no ... plans... concerning Kestra Troi. We may have dinner before her transfer. I would like to get to know her. I think she is a woman with a lot of pain right now, and the feeling that nobody is on her side." Then he turned and looked at Nessa. He lifted her chin up with his finger. "You have nothing to be jealous of. What ever I feel for Kestra, is different from my feelings for you. But now, with me as Captain of the Nimitz, and you as first officer... do you think that was a mistake? You are the one person I can really trust to tell me what I need to know, without worrying about hurting my feelings. It would ... inappropriate for me to act on my feelings." He looked around and got a very mischievious lookon his face. "However, since no one is around, I think I can aford a little inappropriateness in my life." Sash leaned in and gave Nessa a soft gentle kiss o he lips. Vanyssa's entire body tingled with the kiss and she drew back to look into his eyes and see that he truly, really did care about her. This was vastly inappropriate, she knew that, but she just kept coming back, she was drawn to him. "Why is it wrong for the CO & FO to be together? " She asked kissing him on the forehead and laying her head on his shoulder, and he pulled her close to him. They were sitting almost like they were earlier in the evening, and things were good between them. "Those are the regulations," Sash said, matter of factly. "But I mean, why? Regulations be damned. It's not inappropriate for the CO to date other people? People who are in the senior staff? I mean, it's hard to seperate duty from pleasure, but not that hard. I mean, Susan could and did do it. And while a lot of things are very hard to do, I would think that a CO could send an FO to her death just as easily if she was his lover as well as his friend." Vanyssa sighed. "That's part of the risk that being a starfleet officer makes you take." "I can't say that I understand all the regulations, or even agree with them all," Sash looked up at the night sky again. "I do understand that regulations have a reason, even if I can't fathom them." He looked into Vanyssa's eyes, and wiggled his eyebrows, "However,as you know, I have been known to bend one or two regulations in my day. And what nobody else knows, is none of their business." Vanyssa giggled at the silly sight that Sash made - he always knew how to make her laugh. "Ok, you win!" She giggled. She snuggled in closer to him. It was so nice to just be with someone that she trusted, and so nice to be with him on Betazed. As a teenager, she had often fatasized about him often enough, and knew now that he had thought of her, if not in that way, at least as a friend. She knew that he was having a very hard time reconciling the person that she was now with the very young (and let's face it, Vanyssa) and very naive girl she had been. The Academy had been her right of passage, and more so the things that had happened in her first couple of months aboard ship. She was an adult now, and he liked the adult that she had become. "I was really young back then, wasn't I? " She grinned in the dark. "Were you at all interested back then? I seem to remember times when your self-control was called on..." She laughed as she remembered quite vividly the one time that they were called upon to go quite naked to do a first contact mission with one planet. "I treasured the memory of you quite naked that one time...but you refused to look at me. My father berated me afterwards for leaking lust everywhere." She grinned. "But I couldn't help it. You looked the way I had always imagined you." She blushed the color of her hair. "Did I? Did you look?" Sash smiled as the memory of that mission. It was one of the most bizarre missions in his life. But he did have a vivid memory of a very young Vanyssa Winters, standing naked beside him. He had tried hard not to look but it was, of course, impossible. But he had managed to supress any feeling that he had. He could feel his face warming at the memory. "Now what would an old man like me be doing, looking at a little girl like that." He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "You were ... very difficult to ignore. And very beautiful." He could feel his body stirring at the memory and the thoughts that passed through his mind. He could easily throw Nessa down and make love to her right there on the beach. Part of him wanted to do so desperately. But images of his wife, now long dead, continued to enter his mind. He couldn't help himself. For such a long time he had held onto her memory. It was all he had, and perhaps all that kep him sane, at times. But here was Nessa, young and beautiful, and oh so close. He could smell her hair, and the night air, and the sound of the river running by. His hand absent-mindedly ran up her body, lightly touching her breast. Suddenly he pulled his hand back, as if it had been shocked. Vanyssa looked up at him, at what had almost happened. He ahd drawn back and now he looked shocked. She quickly scanned his emotions, then got up and ran away, far enough away that she could get back to the Nimitz. She couldn't stay here, not after what had just happened. "Commander Winters to Nimitz." She spoke, trying to keep the tears out of her voice. "One to beam up, and please beam me straight to my Quarters." The lowly technician wasn't about to argue with her, and she soon found herself in her Quarters. She collapsed across the doubly lonely bed, hearing echoes in her room of people that were no longer there. She reached over and picked up the sword set that David had given her and fingered the blade, cutting herself. She stared at the blood and began to cry, for making a fool of herself, for loosing David, the one person in the world who had loved her without care, for being stuck on the Nimitz with a Captain who was her adolescent fantasies...and who wanted someone else. In short, she felt damn sorry for herself. (reply Sash) (posted by Melinda Martin and Al Muir) Stardate:2406.05.15 (Betazed - Campground - CO Captain Devan Sash - 2255) "Nessa!" Sash called after her. But she moved so quickly, and was gone before he could follow. He made his way back to the camp site in time tosee her disappear in the transporter effect. He stared at the empty space where she had been and whispered, "Damn!" He hadn't meant to hurt her. It was just he couldn't help still thinking about her as that child. When he touched her he still thought of himself as a child molester. It was true that he had fantasized about her, especially since the mission to Covallis 3. But he had always managed to keep his control and distance inthe comforting thought that she was a child. But now she is not a child. Now she is a fully fledged adult, with all of the feelings and rights of one. He had, once again, made a huge mistake, and hoped he could repair the damage. Sash shook his head in dismay. If he lived to be 200 years old, which was quite possible, he would never understand how to deal with women. His wife used to tell him that if she hadn't known that he liked her all along, she would probably never have stayed with such a natural unthinking man as himself. But tonight was not the time. She probably wouldn't even listen to him right now. He saw the hurt in her face. That cut was too deep right now. She had opened up to him, and he had treated her as a play thing. With a deep sigh he headed for his tent, and what was promising to be another restless night. (replu none) (posted by Al Muir) Stardate:2406.05.16 Mission: A Trip to Paradise Mission, Day 2 Stardate 2406.05.16 (USS Nimitz - Bridge - CO- Captain Devan Sash- 1000) When Sash left the camp site the children had been up and running about. The others had been lazily milling about. He had spoken with several of them, but could feel the pull of his duties, and decided to return to the ship. As he stepped off the transporter pad he was greated by a series of recquisitions that he needed to go over. He took the PADDS offered and decided to get grounded on the bridge. It also gave him an opportunity to watch the B crew in action. Now, sitting in his command chair, he watched the activity on the bridge. Everything was running fairly smoothly, but he could see that there was a little training to be done there. Looking at the PADDs it appeared that they had takenon most of what they needed. Sash figured that they would probably be able to leave orbit by tomorrow. One PADD caught his attention. It was a series of memos sent out about by Starfleet Command. There was soe very disturbing information on it. There seemed to be a division in command there, and it was probably going to get uglier before it got better. There also seemed to be a movement for the 52nd fleet to gather around Starbase Geneva. Since they had no real itinerary at the moment, he thought that they could make their way to Geneva whiule they have the time. At warp 3 they could still have a a good few weeks to fine tune the crew. Sash thought for a moment and sent out a note to all senior staff. "There will be a general staff meeting at 0900 tomorrow." (reply none) (posted by Al Muir) Stardate:2406.05.16 Mission : A Trip to Paradise Mission, Day 2 Stardate 2406.05.16 (Betazed - Campground - SPC Jennah Winters-Dark - 1030) Jennah had spent the night in Vanyssa's tent, but Vanyssa hadn't been there. Jennah knew what that was all about though, Vanyssa had told her stories of the great Sash and the adventures the two of them had gotten into when she was a teenager. It was inspiration for some of the things that Jennah wanted to do when she got older. Jennah woke up to the sound of birds flying over, she knew that they were some kind of hawk. She crawled out of the tent and sniffed the air. Pancakes!! David had made her pancakes once... And with that, Jennah closed off that line of thought. It was very hard to believe that David was dead. "Can I have some pancakes too?" She asked Orkeney. She knew he made flowers, but not how. (reply Orkeney, any) (pb melinda) Stardate:2406.05.16 (Betazed - Campground - OPS Ensign Kateb & SO Ensign Orkney - 1030) Onyx was sleeping deeply but suddenly a group of children pass by laughing, it woke up. She lay there looking at the ceiling of her tent, she slept soundly and felt much better, like a weight has been lifted. She knew it was there, but also knew that she wasn't alone. She got dressed, and walk out giving a look around, a smell of pancake hit her nostrils and she couldn't help to smile. She screamed. “Who ever is cooking those pancakes better keep two asides for me.” “Okay!” She heard back. She wasn't sure but she thought that she recognized Richard's voice. Onyx started by stretching herself and breathing deeply the morning air. She slowly made her way to the campfire and saw a couple of pancakes cooking, they look really good. “Here you are Mademoiselle, deux pancakes for you.” Said Richard with an exaggerated French accent. Onyx couldn't help but laugh. “I didn't know with what you would eat them.” “Jelly... strawberry jelly. It's been a long time, a very long time since I ate pancakes. I'm really gluttonous when it's question of that dish.” “Nice to know.” He smiled and he gave her the open jar of jelly. “Sit, I might give you a 3rd one if you are nice. What will you do after breakfast?” “Probably take a swim, and after pack up and go back to the Nimitz.” She said between two bites. “And you?” “I have to go to the arboretum in the City. I have a tone of samples to get, I have to redo the park on the Nimitz. Tell me, do you love plants.” “I have a cactus that I take care of. He is 2 feet hight and doing great. I don't have any other plants.” She had finished her pancakes in record time and was feeling filled. She was starting to change her mind about the swim. “Why don't you come with me and help me out. By your looks, I don't think you can swim right now.” “It sounds like a good idea, your right, I ate to fast.” She chuckled. “First, let me pack up and send all this back to the ship. I also need to change.” “I'm ready, so I will help you, I will go change too.” (Reply from anyone) (Posted by Laurence Durand) Stardate:2406.05.16 (Betazed - Campground - OPS Ensign Kateb & SO Ensign Orkney - 1030) Onyx was sleeping deeply but suddenly a group of children pass by laughing, it woke up. She lay there looking at the ceiling of her tent, she slept soundly and felt much better, like a weight has been lifted. She knew it was there, but also knew that she wasn't alone. She got dressed, and walk out giving a look around, a smell of pancake hit her nostrils and she couldn't help to smile. She screamed. “Who ever is cooking those pancakes better keep two asides for me.” “Okay!” She heard back. She wasn't sure but she thought that she recognized Richard's voice. Onyx started by stretching herself and breathing deeply the morning air. She slowly made her way to the campfire and saw a couple of pancakes cooking, they look really good. “Here you are Mademoiselle, deux pancakes for you.” Said Richard with an exaggerated French accent. Onyx couldn't help but laugh. “I didn't know with what you would eat them.” “Jelly... strawberry jelly. It's been a long time, a very long time since I ate pancakes. I'm really gluttonous when it's question of that dish.” “Nice to know.” He smiled and he gave her the open jar of jelly. “Sit, I might give you a 3rd one if you are nice. What will you do after breakfast?” “Probably take a swim, and after pack up and go back to the Nimitz.” She said between two bites. “And you?” “I have to go to the arboretum in the City. I have a tone of samples to get, I have to redo the park on the Nimitz. Tell me, do you love plants.” “I have a cactus that I take care of. He is 2 feet hight and doing great. I don't have any other plants.” She had finished her pancakes in record time and was feeling filled. She was starting to change her mind about the swim. “Why don't you come with me and help me out. By your looks, I don't think you can swim right now.” “It sounds like a good idea, your right, I ate to fast.” She chuckled. “First, let me pack up and send all this back to the ship. I also need to change.” “I'm ready, so I will help you, I will go change too.” (Reply from anyone) (Posted by Laurence Durand) Stardate:2406.05.16 Mission - A Trip to Paradise Mission, Day 2 Stardate 2406.05.16 (USS Nimitz - Crew Quarters - CO and ACMO - 1900) Kestra had and had not enjoyed the camping trip the crew had on Betazed the day before. The one thing she did enjoy was the conversation that she had with Sash. She had told him things that she would not have anyone else after such a short time, but, he had a way about him that made her feel at ease. What startled her the most was that she had actually invited him to her quarters for an intimate dinner. He was the captain and she only a Lieutenant, what had she been thinking when she did that, she could not answer herself ever since. She had also no guilt at having him to her quarters knowing what might happen. She knew that some would think that she should not have done that seeing that Sky had not been dead for very long, but, she just did not. She also knew that there was one person on board that resented her for inviting Sash to her quarters and that did not matter either. She also knew that there was one other that probably wished he was coming instead of Sash. But,as she was leaving the ship, she could not continue that part of her life and did not want to give him any false hope. She had spent some of the work day looking up what Angosians like to eat, then, when she had returned to her quarters, started to plan what she wanted to fix/replicate. She had also read up on the directions to fix some of the food manually as she wanted make it a bit more personal. She figured to make what she could by hand and he rest she would replicate as time got short. She had decided what clothes to wear, something slightly seductive but good taste for dinner. She fixed her long auburn hair to hang loosely around her face, a bit differently than the way she normally wore it in her off duty hours. At one point, she caught herself thinking of the way she use to get ready for Sky to come over and how nervous she was before he came. She had actually found herself being the same way waiting for Sash to arrive. She had just completed getting everything on the table and herself ready when the door chime sounded. Slowly she walked over to the door, looking around her quarters to ensure that everything was in it's place. She then pressed the open key to see Sash standing there. All her fears subsided as she looked at his handsome, smiling face looking back at her. The presence he exuberated put all her fears aside as she looked at him. It had been a most interesting day for Captain Sash. Even though it had only been an overnight excursion, he felt as if he had been gone for a week. The restock had been going well, and they were preparing to leave orbit. There had been some strange, and convoluted message about meeting at Starbase Geneva, so that was their next destination. Then the invitation to dinner with Kestra Troi. Sash had to be honest in that he had no idea what the attraction to the Betazoid woman was. Well, past the physical attraction, she was quite stunning. But that wasn't usually enough for a starship captain. He felt a need t connect with her. So he cleaned himself up and made his way to her quarters. Another thing he never did, eat in someone else's quarters. He was sure his time on the Nimitz was going to be full of firsts for him. Perhaps, after 40 years, he was just tired of being alone. He had stopped by hydroponics and acquired a bouquet of flowers. He also brought a bottle of wine, although he himself was not much of a drinker. He stood in front of her door and straightened his tunic before hitting the door chime. When to door opened Kestra stood there in all of her splendor. She looked incredible. Sash could feel some stirring he thought long dead, but pushed them to the back of his mind. That wasn't why he was here...was it? No! it would be inappropriate...wouldn't it? After all he did kiss Nessa. "Why Captain, you are so handsome, please come in." She said to him as she stepped back a little giving him room. Kestra's melodic voice brought him back into focus. As he stepped into the room he kept his eyes locked with hers. "You look quite lovely yourself," he complimented her. Then he held out the flowers, "A little something, for the occasion." "Why thank you Devan" she replied a little bit embarrassed as she took the flowers, which were some of the most beautiful she had seen in a while. "If you could put the wine on ice, I will get a vase for these wonderful flowers." she said as she walked away to get a vase. Sash went to the replicator and ordered a bucket of ice. He brought the bucket back to the table, an proceeded to open the bottle of wine. He had a little trouble with it since it was not his area of expertise. But soon the bottle was open and chilling in the bucket of ice. Kestra walked over and placed the Vase with the flowers on the table that she had set up for them to eat at. She stepped back taking in how wonderful the table now looked. "Now the table looks so nice with the flowers on it. It has been a long time since I had a meal with flowers on the table." Sash looked at with a bit of surprise. "Well, you shouldn't have to wait so long." then he looked at the table. He couldn't believe what he saw. There was a variety of Angosian food there. It must have taken her a great deal of effort. Some of it, he knew, could not just be replicated. "Kestra this table looks wonderful!" he said. "Well, I did some research today on what meals to offer. Then I came here and fixed what I could then replicated what I couldn't. I hope you enjoy a bit of home." she answered him and hoped that she did the right thing in making dishes of his world. She moved over to take his hand to guide him over to his chair at the head of the table. She helped him sit down then moved over to her chair. "Indeed," Sash replied. "Some of these dishes I haven't had since my wife died." He instantly regretted the words as they came out of his mouth. That was something he was definitely going to have to stop doing. "I'm sorry,"Sash apologized, "that was rather insensitive of me to say." Kestra knew what it was like having a family member die as he knew all of her story or at least part of it. She knew as a counselor that no one ever really got over that, they just learned how to cope with it. "Not at all Devan" She said with a knowing smile. "It is normal and you know that I have been a counselor at one time in my illustrious career. No one ever really forgets or for that matter 'gets over' a loss of a loved one. All they can hope for and usually do, is to eventually come to terms with it." "Yes," Sash agreed with a smile, "but when your having such a wonderful meal, prepared by such a beautiful host, well, I can think of a better time to be maudlin." "Shall we drink to past family, past loves?" She said as she held up an empty wine glass. "I can drink to that," Sash replied. He took picked up the bottle of wine and poured a glass for each of them. Then he looked into Kestra's eyes, and held up his glass. "To families, and loves, in the past, and to those in the future as well." Kestra held up her glass and he poured some in then she locked onto his eyes as he spoke. Something in her stirred, an emotion that she had not had in some time, but, she momentaily shook it off. "To those past and Future yes" she returned as she still was looking into his eyes. They both then raised their glasses as in salute then drank. "Devan, what are your plans? What are your observations of the crew? Where do you go from here?" Kestra felt nervous and started to change the subject, started to try and direct their minds away from where they could go. Sash thought for a moment. The sudden turn on the conversation caught him a little off guard a little. "My plans are probably quite obvious," Sash replied. "I will be staying with the Nimitz until I get killed or I destroy it, which ever comes first." He was joking around, but there was a ring of truth to the joke, since he still blamed himself somewhat for the destruction of the Endeavor. "As for the crew," Sash sat back in contemplation, "I think we have a fine crew. They are still a little rough around the edges, but really only need training. I think that they are being very resilient, and are moving on. I really worry about Dr. Ficket. He doesn't seem to be recovering very well." "However, our next stop is at Starbase Geneva. We will make a long, slow trip, and fine tune the crew." Sash looked into Kestra's eyes. "What about you? What are your plans?" Kestra listened intently to what Devan was telling her, trying to let her counselor mode kick in, but, it was hard. He was a fascinating man and not bad looking which, for some reason, seemed to attract her. She really did not hear when he asked about her as she wanted to hear about him, not herself. She was startled as she saw a look of waiting on his face and knew he said something to warrant an answer. She thought back and came to what he had asked her. She thought for an answer as she blushed. "Me? What about me?" She at first asked him then the rest of his question came through to her, "Oh my plans? My plans are to follow my orders and head to the USS Boudicca very soon. Not much else really." "I now you don' believe this Kestra," Sash said sincerely, "but you are going to be missed here. I'm sure by more people than just myself." She looked at him, what he said caught her by surprise. He had said that once before and she had taken it, but, had not really thought he meant it. Now he had said it once again, she felt that he was sincerely telling her what he felt, but, how does she react to it. She blushed even more as she took the look he was giving her. "Devan, I am sure that you believe what you have said to be true, but, you really don't know me. You don't really know the crew and how or what they feel. It is nice for you to say that to make me feel better, but, ....." She just stopped and looked at her food. She had almost not touched her food, but, what she had, it was deffinitely good. "How is the food, Devan?" He wasn't sure what to do about that. Should he let her dodge the bullet on that issue, or get to the bottomof it. In the end he decided that if she truely wanted to talk about it, she would have. But he would not let one thing stand. he reached across and held onto her hand tightly. "Be sure," Sash said, "that although I am working at making you feel better, that is not my sole motive for the things I say. if they were not true, I would not say them." He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed them gently, "And the food is wonderful. I suppose now I'll have to learn Betazoid cuisine." She watched as he kissed her hand and listened to what he had to say. She savored the kiss on her hand, but, it only made her want more. She was not sure if she should be doing this with the captain of the ship she was leaving, but, then again she was leaving. She caught the feelings he was making her feel as they started to seep out. She hoped that she had caught them before they had reached him and she quickly almost squeakily as if she was out of breath answered him as she pulled her hand back reluctantly. "I ... uh .. Guess .. maybe like it would be if did you.." She then blushed as she caught herself stammering, "I guess maybe it would be good if you did, I think you would like it." Sash smiled a big smile. It had been a while that he had found interest in women. There was just something about Kestra that intrigued him. Normally he would never think of doing what he was doing with Kestra, but he also realized that she would be gone soon, and he wanted to enjoy her company, while she was still here. "What is your favorite food?" he asked. "Ah my favorite food or the thing I like to eat the most?" She asked him trying to get control of her emotions. "Anything," Sash raised an eyebrow, with an evil grin. "Well, Lorella Fruit, Legiere Rice, lemonade and Chocolate are some of my most favorite." She finally coughed out. "Ah," Sash chuckled, "so that's what keeps you so sweet, and tangy." ~sweet and tangy~ Kestra thought to herself and wondered at that thought that he had just said. She then thought how would he think of her if she was to reveal to him some of her thoughts. She decided to try and see, besides, she was leaving. "Devan, I want to say something but you must let me finish as I may not be able to say it again if you interrupt me." She began. "I am attacked to you as I have not been to anyone since my husband, Sky. I do not understand it, but, you make me feel a wanting I have not had since him. I do not know whether to withstand it or succumb to it. I know and feel that you have an attraction to me. If you think I am too bold and am offended I can understand as I will be leaving the ship. IF need be I can leave tonight, then make my way to Geneva on my own." She finished then looked back up into his eyes. Well there it was, out in the open. Kestra had put the ball in his court. He didn't know what to say at first, and was getting the sense that Kestra was building up for a rejection. He looked into her eyes and smiled again. There were quite deep. "I am definitely not offended. How could that offend me. I do not want you to leave. I've been saying that all along." He rested his elbows on the table and put his chin in his hands. "I cannot deny that I find you very attractive. In fact, I'd have to be dead. It's just been so long that I've felt anything for anyone. To be honest, I really am not sure what to do. You wouldn't believe I was as old as I am." What he began saying was definitely sounding like she was about to start packing to leave the Nimitz. She had thought that she overstepped her boundaries with this new captain and took advantage of his caring nature. She continued to watch his eyes as he leaned forward to continue to talk. She got up from her position and moved over to him and sat down on the floor beside him to look up at him as she took his hand. "I don't care how old you are, 30 or 1000 would not matter to me. I feel that if I could have stayed on the Nimitz we would have been able to take the time to get to really know one another but we do not have that time." Looking down into those eyes, Sash could feel his self restraint drain out of him. He reached down with one hand and stroked her cheek. He so wanted to kiss her. Then he thought... why not? He pulled her head up with a hand on each side of her face, leaned and and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Definitely tangy." Kestra definitely melted into the kiss he gave her and some of her emotions again leaked out around them. She then gently put her head in Sash's lap to enjoy the feeling that he was giving her. Sash's body responded as it should. He was certain that Kestra could not miss that. He abandoned himself to the moment, and stopped worrying about others, or even Nessa. He lifted Kestra up and stood towering over her. He wrapped his arms around her and drew her to himself. He kissed her a long, slow deep kiss, letting all of his years of pent up emotion flow out. He was no longer in control of himself. He overpowered Kestra and moved her to the wall. Holding her against the wall he began to kiss her harder, and with more passion. Kestra heatedly responded in kind to Sash as they were against the wall. She opened her mind to him as betazoids normally did during such acts as these. She returned move for move and started to remove his outer clothing to get to his bare skin as she wanted to feel it. The emotion that she felt from him was much more than she ever thought from one of his age. She revealed in it and immersed herself totally. It had been so long since she and Sky had been together, but, she remembered every move he made with her. Sash scrambled to remove Kestras top. He kissed up and down her body. Reveling in the taste of her flesh. He could feel the tendrils of her mind weaving through his. The old training kicked in the shield the areas of his mind that held thoughts no other should see, but he did not force her out. The sensation of her mind entangled with his made their love making more intense. He could feel what she was feeling, and it increased his own pleasure. Soon they were both lost in the throws of wild, passionate love making. All thought of the well prepared meal, millions of light years away. (Reply None) (posted by Frank and Al) Stardate:2406.05.16 Mission - A Trip to Paradise Mission, Day 2 Stardate 2406.05.16 (USS Nimitz - Crew Quarters - FO Commander Vanyssa Winters - 1940) Vanyssa sat in her Quarters and looked around them. She hated them, she had spent far too much time here in the last couple of days. She knew that Sash was in Kestra's Quarters having dinner. She had asked him if he wanted to spend the evening with her, and he had turned her down and told her why. She shook her head when she realized that she was brooding. ~This sucks.~ She thought to herself in total uncharacteristic Vanyssa thoughts. ~He's a grown up, and if he doesn't want me...~ She couldn't quite finish that thought as she felt the first stirrings of passion from a few doors down. Instead of blocking it all out, she listened as it went further, then blocked it out. ~I can't believe she is doing this.~ Vanyssa knew that the only reason Kestra was going after Sash was to show her up. Show her that she wasn't good enough for her. She collapsed against the wall and began to cry. Kestra was doing it on purpose. She had more control than this, it shouldn't be swamping over the empaths and telepaths on this ship. But it was. She had opened herself all the way up, and Vanyssa wouldn't've been surprised if the planet below was sensing it. ~ Why her? ~ Vanyssa thought as the sobs racked her body. She picked up David's sword again and realized the very dangerous turning of her thoughts. ::Ensign Salahari, would you be so kind as to come to my quarters?:: Vanyssa sent. ::I need someone to talk to:: (reply Salahari, any) (pb melinda :-) Stardate:2406.05.16 (USS Nimitz - Mess Hall- COUNS Ensign Lorenzo Salahali- 1940) Lorenzo decided he didn't really like camping. It wasn't that he hated tents or suchlike, he just felt a little unnerved about the surroundings, he felt more comfortable on a ship. He sat at the bar drining quietly and going over a padd in his hand, a story he was developing into a Wild-West Holonovel. He started chatting to the bartender about it and finished his drink. "So it's a personal thing?" He asked as Lorenzo set down his glass. Lorenzo nodded. "Yeah, being raised on a ranch. I used to love just riding over the entire land. I'd go to an old valley with a gorge at one end and stay there for hours. It was great." "Sounds like it," the bartender replied. Lorenzo knew he wasn't really interested, but that didn't matter. What had happened on Betazed was a little wierd. Sash had eyeballed him during an innocent game of volleyball, then Zzt had ended up saving the children from god-knew-what. It had all been a little too hectic, and Lorenzo headed back to the nimitz. He focused on his novel again, until he recieved a message from Vanyssa. ::Ensign Salahali, would you be so kind as to come to my quarters? I need someone to talk to:: ::I'm on my way:: Lorenzo said. He set down his glass and picked up the Padd. "If you'll excuse me, duty calls." Lorenzo exited. (USS Nimitz- 2O's Quarters- Ensign Lorenzo Salahali- 1945) Lorenzo quietly made his entrance and found Vanyssa on the bed, crying. He spotted a sword in her hand. Utterly speechless, he moved to her side. "What's wrong?" Lorenzo asked. (Reply Vanyssa) (Posted by Adam Watson)